October 22, 2020 – Many thanks to all who came out for the grand opening of Sergeant Macaulay Park in the Tenderloin yesterday! The event was attended by Supervisors Matt Haney, Aaron Peskin, and Jane Kim along with community partners Trust for Public Land, SF Recreation & Parks, and SF Parks Alliance. So proud of this achievement!

September 24, 2020 – Jones Berkeley, a new 170-unit apartment building located at 1500 San Pablo Ave., will be accepting lottery applications from “very low income” households for 16 of its apartment units, according to a city of Berkeley press release sent Monday. Read more here.

September 23, 2020 – Co-developers Mercy Housing and Episcopal Community Services of San Francisco (ECS) are excited to announce the groundbreaking of a new supportive rental housing development for formerly homeless seniors (age 55 years+) and adults at 1064 Mission St. Miller Company worked as the Landscape Architect on this project in the heart of SOMA, which offers 256 studio apartments, service centers and program spaces throughout. Please go the MercyHousing.org to join the virtual groundbreaking event [tomorrow at 1pm] on Zoom!

September 20, 2020 – We've been working with the Trust for Public Land to build a living schoolyard for the Cesar Chavez campus in Oakland's Fruitvale neighborhood. TPL put together a video to show how impactful this transformation is for the community.

September 17, 2020 – Just stopped by the to see the construction progress of the living schoolyard being built at the Cesar Chavez campus in Oakland’s Fruitvale neighborhood. This campus is shared by two elementary schools: International Community School and Think College Now, both which serve a diverse, low-income population of 628 students. In collaboration with the Trust for Public Land, we are pulling up a considerable amount of old asphalt and building an interactive, natural environment for kids to enjoy and learn about biodiversity and stewardship habits. We’re really excited to see how well these pavers turned out for the creek!

July 13, 2020 – Berkeley’s Zoning Adjustments Board just unanimously approved a subsidized housing project for the homeless, with plans to be up and running within a year. The four-story, 39-unit complex, located at 1367 University Ave. in Berkeley, will be made from modular construction and designed around a central landscaped courtyard which opens to University Avenue. Commissioner Denise Pinkston said it was “nothing short of a mini-urban miracle” to see what is essentially a market-rate building provide homeless housing. “The highlight of my week is getting to approve a beautiful building to house homeless people,” she said.
Image courtesy of Trachtenberg Architects.
Client: Panoramic Interests
Architect: Trachtenberg Architects
Program Operator: BOSS

May 28, 2020 – We’ll be presenting our final recommendations for the Buena Vista Park renovation on June 2 at 6pm (via Zoom) to the SF community. If you’d like to tune in to hear about the proposed improvements, please visit SF Recreation and Parks’ website to sign up for the webinar: https://sfrpd.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_99bjnARiRbi7UuDspy6FPQ
More info on the project here. 💚
January 5, 2020 – Great turn out from the community for the Buena Vista Park site walk! Buena Vista Park, the oldest public park in San Francisco, is in great need of repair. Our project is focused on infrastructure issues related to pedestrian hardscape and rustic pathways, erosion, and urban forestry. Our goal is to investigate costs associated with restoration of the park. As well, we are providing visionary design solutions to address potential park program enhancements. We walked with a large group of interested park advocates on a beautiful day to chart and gather their impressions. Positive feedback and discussion followed the walk where we all enjoyed a taste of fresh lemonade. Thank you everyone for participating!
News 2020 Pics