1500 San Pablo
1500 San Pablo
Berkeley, CA
Jones Berkeley transforms an auto dealership along West Berkeley’s bustling San Pablo Avenue into a vibrant mixed-use development including 11,000 sf of commercial space and 170 residences. Utilizing California’s density bonus, the project was allowed an increase in height by one story and the inclusion of 16 permanently affordable housing units. The project carefully transitions scale from the bustling commercial corridor to the single-family neighborhood farther west.
The 1.7-acre lot is split by a zoning line. On the C-W portion of the site, along San Pablo Avenue, the building is five stories: a podium including shops, residential lobby, leasing office, and residential and commercial parking supports four upper floors of apartments arranged around a series of verdant courtyards and common amenities. On the R1-A portion of the site, a row of three-story townhouses meets Tenth Street with yards, individually-accessible garages and unit entrances. Jones Berkeley embraces the character of West Berkeley through interwoven balconies, a palette of subdued but richly-textured materials, and understated residential entrances. Achieving LEED Gold, the project is a Sustainable Development surpassing requirements of Berkeley’s Climate Action Plan.
Year Completed 2020
Size 1.7 acres with 170 units and 11,000 SF of commercial space
Client Shorenstein Properties LLC
Architect Pyatok Architects
Gold Nugget 2021 Award of Merit – Best Multi-Family Housing Community
Images courtesy of Pyatok Architects